+36 (30) 333 2728

Digital x-ray, CT interface

Supported manufacturers

  • CDR Dicom
  • Digora
  • Dimaxis-Romexis (Planmeca)
  • Dr Suni
  • EasyDent4
  • Owandy
  • QuickVision
  • Sidexis (Siemens)
  • Thropy (Kodak)
  • Vatech
  • VixWin (Gendex)
  • and much more...

Easier administration

The Dentadmin 3 dental software has a built-in digital imaging interface via the system autmatically adds the name of the patinet's to the remote software, you only need to press the starter button. The rsult images are tranferred to the Dentadmin 3 as well, so it can be seen in the dentist's office immediately next to the patient's chart.

Built-in imDentadmin3 Digital X-Rayage manager functions

Az általánosan használt képkezelő funkciók a Dentadmin 3 szoftverben is elérhetők, így az elkészült képek megnézéséhez, nagyításához, fényerő, kontraszt állításához nem szükséges a röntgen saját szoftverét előhozni, a kép a betegkartonon tized másodperc alatt elérhető.


Integrated oral cam management

The Dentdmin 3 without any other software (with using an appropriate digitizer hardware) is able to receive and store images from oral cam on the computer.

CT equipment management

If your dentist office is equipped with Ct equipment, our system also supports it.

Standard X-ray equipment management

The software image magament features are available even if we scan the images of the standard X-ray or take an image in it. Our company can offer you some simple and cost-effective method for it.

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